Alphalogix Blog

12th February 2016

AlphaLogix sponsor Williams Chase Distillery at the Abergavenny Food Festival

AlphaLogix were delighted to sponsor the Williams Chase Distillery at the recent 2015 Abergavenny Food Festival. James Chase represented the [
16th December 2015

AlphaLogix Main Sponsors at Act! Summit

AlphaLogix Main Sponsors at the Act! European Summit: Held in London in December 2015, the Summit brings together Act! certified [
18th May 2015

Withdrawal of sale and support for Act! 2013

Important notice – Withdrawal of sale and support for Act! 2013 As a Business Partner and supplier of Swiftpage software [
8th May 2015

Biking to work reducing Carbon Footprint

Staff at AlphaLogix UK have taken advantage of the better weather and the buy a bike for work scheme run [
28th April 2015

AlphaMap – helps reduce carbon footprint

AlphaMap is one of the current Alpha Software add-on suite from AlphaLogix. AlphaMap is an AlphaLogix add-on to Infor CRM that can [
28th April 2015

AlphaSMS – CRM driven SMS messages

AlphaSMS is available as one of the Alpha Software portfolio from AlphaLogix as an add-on to your CRM. The AlphaLogix [