Alphalogix Blog

14th March 2017

Infor CRM Tips – Creating Groups with Query Builder

One of the powerful features that sets Infor CRM (formerly SalesLogix) apart from other CRM systems is the built-in Query [
29th April 2016

Clean Data? How clean is your CRM data?

Clean data? Well, just how clean is your CRM data? You might have been using your CRM for some time [
27th March 2015

Infor CRM Training

At AlphaLogix we pride ourselves in the Infor CRM training we provide to our customers. Investing in a comprehensive CRM [
11th March 2015

SalesLogix rebranded to Infor CRM

SalesLogix rebranded to Infor CRM. At AlphaLogix we have been very happily using and selling the SalesLogix CRM since 2007. [