Alphalogix Blog

15th February 2017

Act! CRM 2017 European Summit

What’s going on with Act! CRM this year   I recently attended the 2017 Act! summit in London with James [
21st July 2016

AlphaLogix Applications – AlphaLink

The skilled team of AlphaLogix Software Developers have been busy creating a suite of powerful applications to boost the capabilities of [
16th December 2015

AlphaLogix Main Sponsors at Act! Summit

AlphaLogix Main Sponsors at the Act! European Summit: Held in London in December 2015, the Summit brings together Act! certified [
26th March 2015

AlphaLink links Sage 50 with Act! CRM

AlphaLink from AlphaLogix integrates your Sage 50 accounting data into Act! giving all staff access to key customer information in [