Alphalogix Blog

22nd June 2016

Sage 200 Tips – Business Intelligence, IT’S FREE!

For Excel lovers (or non-lovers), Business Intelligence (BI) is a great way of analysing your Sage 200 data and combining [
22nd June 2016

AlphaLogix Cycle for Bloodwise 2016

Over 12,000 riders took to the roads around South Wales recently to cycle 140km with the sole purpose of raising [
3rd June 2016

Sage 200 2016 New Features

Well it’s finally here. Sage has released their latest version of Sage 200, 2016 and there are plenty of great [
1st June 2016

Sage 200 Tips – Wildcard Symbols

During my time training at Sage I was shown how to use these great little time-savers called Wildcard Symbols. These [
23rd May 2016

Sage 200 Tips – Analysis Codes

As your business continues to expand it can become difficult to manage the various types of Orders, Ledger Accounts, and [
10th May 2016

Sage 200 Tips – Exporting lists to Excel

Most Accountants like working with Microsoft Excel, this will come as no surprise to you I’m sure! Refining and presenting [